International Drying Symposium
(The link for the 23rd Internal Drying Symposium that will be held in Wuxi, China November 22 – 25, 2024 can be found here.)
The 22nd International Drying Symposium (IDS) was held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Mass. and co-hosted by CARD and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign June 26 – 29, 2022. It brought together world-renowned researchers and engineers from both academia and industry, all working together on advances in industrial drying.
The IDS series was established by Professor Arun S. Mujumdar at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 1978. This year, Prof. Jamal Yagoobi, director of CARD, served as chair of the event.
Advisory board members featured in the photo below from left to right are professors: Ireneusz Zbicinski, Maarten Schutyser, Juan Rodriguez Ramirez, Avi Levey, Patrick Perré and Jamal Yagoobi. Not featured in the photo is board member Timothy Langrish, who also attended the meeting.
Winners of the IDS 22 oral presentations and posters included Nora Ruprecht, Jacob Bouchard, Lucas Briest and Evelin Varju.

Industry experts from around the world attended the 22nd International Drying Symposium.

Patrick Perré received the Arun Mujumdar Medal and Wilhelm Schabel received Excellence in Drying Award at IDS 2022.

The IDS 22 Advisory Board Group

Left to right: J. Bouchard, N. Ruprecht, E. Varju, L. Briest

Speaker Presentation

IDS Presentation Discussion

Keynote Session

Keynote Session

Keynote Session