New CARD Chair and Co-Chair

Featured left to right: Professor Jamal Yagoobi, CARD Director, Dr. Sanjay Sarang, PepsiCo, Professor Srinivasa Salapaka, CARD UIUC Site Director, Dr. Sheyla Ramsay, PepsiCo, and Dr. Xue Liu, BASF
We are pleased to share that Xue Liu, of BASF, has stepped up from Co-Chair to Chair of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for CARD, and Stephen Cobbe, Kerry, has stepped into the position of Co-Chair. Thank you both for your commitment to CARD.
Recently, Sanjay Sarang, PepsiCo, stepped down as Chair of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for CARD. We thank Sanjay for his hard work as Chair, and his dedication to our center.
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